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Roulette is known for its unpredictability, but some players have defied the odds and walked away with monumental wins. Here are ten of the biggest roulette wins in Las Vegas history:

  1. Ashley Revell – $270,000
    In 2004, Ashley Revell sold all his possessions and placed his entire net worth of $135,000 on red at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas. His bet paid off, doubling his money to $270,000 in a single spin. This is one of the most common strategies. Some prefer to combine it with the martingale strategy.
  2. Chris Boyd – $440,000
    Chris Boyd, a British software engineer, wagered $220,000 on red at Binion’s Horseshoe Club in 1994. After convincing the casino to raise its betting limit, Boyd’s bet paid off, netting him $440,000.
  3. Pedro Grendene Bartelle – $3.5 Million
    Brazilian businessman Pedro Grendene Bartelle placed a $35,000 bet on the number 32 at the Hotel Conrad in Punta del Este, Uruguay, winning $3.5 million. This win, while not in Vegas, remains one of the most famous roulette wins.
  4. Billy Walters – $3.8 Million
    Professional gambler Billy Walters exploited wheel biases to win $3.8 million over 38 hours of play at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas during the 1980s. Walters’ analytical approach to gambling made him a legendary figure in the casino world.
  5. Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo – $1.5 Million
    Garcia-Pelayo, a Spanish gambler, used computer algorithms to analyze wheel biases and won approximately $1.5 million from various casinos, including those in Las Vegas, throughout the 1990s.
  6. Philip Green – £2 Million
    British billionaire Sir Philip Green won over £2 million (around $2.6 million) through a series of high-stakes bets on red and black in Las Vegas and London casinos in 2004. His success at the roulette table is part of his controversial gambling legacy.
  7. Sean Connery – £10,000
    In 1963, actor Sean Connery won £10,000 (approximately $27,000) by betting on the number 17 at a casino in Italy. Although this was a publicity stunt for a James Bond film, it remains a notable roulette win.
  8. Joseph Jagger – $375,000
    Known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo,” Jagger’s methods of exploiting wheel biases in Monte Carlo casinos in the late 19th century led to wins equivalent to millions today. His tactics inspired many future gamblers.
  9. Richard Jarecki – $1.2 Million
    Dr. Richard Jarecki used his understanding of wheel biases to win over $1.2 million from European and American casinos in the 1960s and 1970s. His scientific approach to roulette left a lasting impact on the game.
  10. Charles Wells – 2 Million Francs
    In 1891, Charles Wells won 2 million francs (approximately $5 million today) at the Monte Carlo Casino. Although not in Las Vegas, his legendary win by breaking the bank at Monte Carlo is often recounted among the greatest roulette victories.

These stories highlight both the risks and rewards of high-stakes gambling. While these winners walked away with fortunes, roulette remains a game of chance, and responsible gambling should always be a priority.

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